History of Erda Community Association
Let's take a trip back in time
The Erda Community Association (Erda CA) was organized in 2018 during the early phases of the incorporation process. Maintaining Erda’s rural atmosphere and charm has long been a desire and a goal of the association members and many other residents. The sponsors involved in incorporation felt that it would be beneficial to formerly organize in order to distribute information from a centralized source and to raise funds to address land-use issues threatening our rural lifestyle. Residents in Erda have come here to have a little land where they can have animals, where they can raise their families teaching them to raise gardens and care for animals while enjoying the rural way of life.
The result of the efforts are as follows: 1) the Shoshone and Adobe Rock Ranch developments were on the ballot in the 2020 election and were soundly voted down by Tooele County citizens, 2) the referendums known as Erda Brothers Three were not processed by the County Recorder since the developer requested that the rezone ordinances be rescinded. A commission meeting was held on the afternoon of December 29, 2018 to facilitate the developer’s request, and 3) the referendum for the PUD known as Skywalk was disapproved by the County Recorder since the County Commissioners action was considered administrative and was not subject to a referendum. More information about some of these actions can be found on this website in a narrative called Litigation Actions Supported by Erda CA.
summary of the number of units proposed by the various attempts to develop parcels of land in Erda and Adobe Rock Ranch in Lakepoint:
Adobe Rock Ranch
Sunset Acres
Teably Village
Erda Acres
Suburban Land Reserve
Number of Units
Estimated Number of Vehicles
Fortunately, the incorporation of Erda continued through the process and was ultimately voted on favorably by Erda citizens in the 2020 election. There were costs associated with incorporation and they were funded by Erda CA. Erda City Council members will be elected in 2021, and the City of Erda will be formally established in January of 2022.
Anyone can become a member of Erda CA. If you would like to join, please find the membership form on this website. Membership and doners are private information and will never be disclosed. Erda CA needs your help and contributions in order to continue to challenge land use actions that threaten our rural way of life. If you would like to contribute, please do so through your membership application or visit the contribution tab on the Erda CA website. We are almost to the finish line. We can do this! We sincerely appreciate your help and support.