Donate to help our cause

Every dollar helps. Thank you for your support.

Please help us reach our initial funding goals for funding to be able to provide litigation against Tooele County for practices that have not been proven to represent the citizens and often in direct conflict of what we have expressed.

Your donation helps support referendum costs,  the fight against high density housing and support for 7k for Tooele County on Facebook has come with a cost.

If you believe in the cause as much as we do, please donate to help support our efforts to ensure Erda and Tooele Valley are not only represented by our elected officials but protected from poor decisions with traffic, density and water issues that always come back to the taxpayers.

We are a 501c(3) charity and as such your donation is tax deductible.
EIN: 83-2002367
Receipts emailed automatically.

For Donations over $500 please mail your check (or deposit in person) at:

Mountain America Credit Union
1475 N Main St, Tooele UT 84074
C/O Erda Community Association
Acct #:11358885

Thank you for your support

One Time Donation
Monthly Donation
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